ez fix match, 3-1 apex
classic xctn, sell game for bread
Classic vatniks, get 12k gold lead thentake pause and slowly feed and lose map1 <br/>thank you for 7x FBEAR
hahahaha mouz+matchfix is perfect combo
clearly, too low oddss for mouz
i will find mouz players and fucking skin them alive for this matchfix
mouz as underdogs? Classic throw map1 for bread
counterbet manta and you will win, phil players always fix games to earn bread!
322 paradise, manta will go mafia for 2-0
12-10 to 12-19, acatsuki selling and fixing games for money again hahahahah
ez fix match, 3-1 apex
classic xctn, sell game for bread
Classic vatniks, get 12k gold lead thentake pause and slowly feed and lose map1 <br/>thank you for 7x FBEAR
hahahaha mouz+matchfix is perfect combo
clearly, too low oddss for mouz
i will find mouz players and fucking skin them alive for this matchfix
mouz as underdogs? Classic throw map1 for bread
counterbet manta and you will win, phil players always fix games to earn bread!
322 paradise, manta will go mafia for 2-0
12-10 to 12-19, acatsuki selling and fixing games for money again hahahahah